03 January 2009

ari niyh last day la kat umah.sbb jap lg da nk blk ostel..heh..cam skejap jek cuti erk..lgpon kwn2 aq sumeyh nye pon da blk umah..
thnx frendz...sgalr kte2 semangat aq bakar lg..cam prinsip aq 'bio ape org kte,wut ape kte suke'..cheh..prinsip..aen pun kte btol3...sbb org yg kate kite de cume leyh dpt dose jek..keep up u'r gud principe.juz be yourself n be good there..wlwpon kte skula len2.tu la ..stiap manusia perlu ade ANJAKAN PARADIGMA dlm idup..heheh..yg pnting, we know why we there n what we gonna achieve.tu sume suda mencukupi,,;0)
so..tnxx a lot aen..
korg sume pon leyh praktik an bnd niyh..

wutever, gud luck in your life n most important thing is dis year we gonna face with SPM,,ouh..
so do the best,, amin..

yours faithfully,